A colleague asked me today, “Dr. Fuzie, why do you always seem to question things?” At the time I said, “It seems the appropriate thing to do in many instances.” But then I got to thinking about why it doesn’t seem unusual for me to question ideas, processes, methods and people. After questioning myself, this is what I realized about my own questioning and why it is important to critically think and question.
What Are The Symptoms of Not Questioning the Status Quo?
There is just as much danger (if not more) in NOT questioning ideas, processes, theories, and such as there is in questioning. Let’s consider what happens if we just “blindly follow” or not challenge the status quo. The danger of not challenging the status quo is that it can lead to stagnation, inequality, and the perpetuation of harmful or outdated systems. It also stunts growth and creativity. The first symptom that would be noticed if there was no questioning of the status quo is lack of progress and stagnation.
Without questioning the status quo, society may fail to identify and address existing problems or inefficiencies and lack of progress and stagnation would ensue. Challenging the status quo encourages innovation, critical thinking, and the exploration of alternative approaches, leading to progress and improvement in various fields.
Another symptom of failure to question the status quo is inequality and injustice. Many societal norms and systems can be inherently biased, discriminatory, or unjust. By accepting the status quo without question, we perpetuate these inequalities and fail to advocate for necessary changes. Challenging the status quo is crucial to recognizing and rectifying unfair practices and promoting equal opportunities for all individuals. By questioning processes, standards, and established norms we can determine what we really do want or not want as our societal or social norms. It is important to understand that challenging the status quo does not mean rejecting all established norms outright. It means critically examining existing systems, norms, and beliefs, and being open to change when necessary to promote progress, fairness, and a better future.
Outdated processes and solutions will not work for new or emergent problems in a new context: The world is constantly evolving, and the status quo may not always align with current needs or realities. By challenging existing models, we open ourselves up to fresh perspectives and ideas that can address contemporary challenges more effectively. Without questioning the status quo, we risk relying on outdated solutions that may no longer be suitable or efficient.
Challenging the status quo encourages individual and group or organizational growth, autonomy, mastery and empowerment. By challenging the status quo advances critical thinking skills, promotes diverse perspectives, and enables individuals to express their opinions and ideas. By questioning the existing systems, people can shape their own paths and contribute to positive societal change. Change involves creativity and innovation. Challenging the status quo nurtures a culture of creativity and innovation. It encourages individuals and organizations to think in different ways (critical thinking skills), explore new possibilities, and find unique solutions to complex problems. By embracing diverse perspectives and challenging established norms, society can make breakthroughs and advancements in various domains.
So, why do I question things? The first reason is, I’m still alive and have the ability to think critically. The second, and hopefully more importantly, I can add value to contribute to other individuals, teams, organizations and society in general to move us forward. Isn’t that what a leader is supposed to do?
Author(s): Dr. Chris Fuzie
Board Insights | Open Source
Published Online: 2023 Jul – All Rights Reserved.
APA Citation: Fuzie, C. (2023, Jul 12). What Happens If We Don’t Question The Status Quo? The Journal of Leaderology and Applied Leadership. https://jala.nlainfo.org/what-happens-if-we-dont-question-the-status-quo/